Types of Fasting:
- Full/complete
*Only water- would not recommend without doctor’s guidance nor for those who have not previously fasted
- Daniel/Selective
*Fruits and vegetables for a set time
- Partial/Jewish
*One meal or a sun-up to sun-down strategy
6 total: 2 major sundown to sundown, 4 minor sunup to sundown
- 3-day
- Drink plenty of water.
- Don’t share publicly, but DO ask a trusted friend to encourage/hold accountable.
- Pick a specific time: Yes, we pray without ceasing, but fasting and prayer is a time set apart for increased intensity and intentionality.
- Be specific in your praying.
- Pray the Word of God.
The Bible
- Read the scriptures on FASTING
- Commit to pray through a book of the Bible
- 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer, Jim Maxim
- Fasting, Jentezen Franklin
- Circlemaker, Mark Batterson
- Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools, Tyler Staton
- God on Mute, Peter Grieg
- Talking With God, Adam Weber
- Pray First: Chris Hodges
- Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, Tim Keller
- Let’s Talk: Praying Your Way to a Deeper Relationship with God, Bill Crowder
- With Christ in the School of Prayer, Andrew Murray
1. Churchofthehighlands.com
2. freechapel.org/fast