Types of Fasting:


  1. Full/complete

*Only water- would not recommend without doctor’s guidance nor for those who have not previously fasted


  1. Daniel/Selective

*Fruits and vegetables for a set time


  1. Partial/Jewish

*One meal or a sun-up to sun-down strategy

6 total: 2 major sundown to sundown, 4 minor sunup to sundown


  1. 3-day



  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Don’t share publicly, but DO ask a trusted friend to encourage/hold accountable.
  3. Pick a specific time: Yes, we pray without ceasing, but fasting and prayer is a time set apart for increased intensity and intentionality. 
  4. Be specific in your praying.
  5. Pray the Word of God.




The Bible

  1. Read the scriptures on FASTING
  2. Commit to pray through a book of the Bible


  1. 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer, Jim Maxim
  2. Fasting, Jentezen Franklin
  3. Circlemaker, Mark Batterson
  4. Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools, Tyler Staton
  5. God on Mute, Peter Grieg
  6. Talking With God, Adam Weber
  7. Pray First: Chris Hodges
  8. Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, Tim Keller
  9. Let’s Talk: Praying Your Way to a Deeper Relationship with God, Bill Crowder
  10. With Christ in the School of Prayer, Andrew Murray


1. Churchofthehighlands.com

2. freechapel.org/fast